
Showing posts from August, 2019

Review on Xhorse Condor Dolphin Key Cutting Machine

Here are Reviews of  Xhorse Condor dolphin key cutting machine . Bobb Keil : The Xhorse dolphin cuts high Security, standard security, and tibbe akl it will duplicate single sided. The xhorse cutting tools are designed for Automotive keys. Dm me if you have questions I have the mini and the dolphin Carlton Quay : mini has its own screen and the Xhorse dolphin runs from your phone or tablet Jason Henkle:  I've cut eight keys and I'm down to about 85% last I remember and I charged it on Tuesday when I got it. I think it was rated for more than 25 on a full charge. It weighs a decent amount and I'm still thinking of a way to bolt down. I've only had a Framon for over 12 years so this this is a luxury! Ameer Hasan:  nothing to worry about there is a tech support also its a good machine i got it couple months ago its a fantastic machine worth of money Martyn Clinton:  I got a condor and a dolphin Both are ok Condor has less glitches Both have shit names I mean